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Over 20,000 relevant links personally selected by an educator/author with over 30 years of experience.


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It is a good idea to provide refreshments and child care for workshops
especially those involving parents.

Develop a catchy title for your presentation

Workshop Concerns


Divide into Sections:
--Introduction (10-15 minutes)
--Key Ideas & Structured Exercises (divide bulk time amongst – usually ¾ to 1 hour)
--Conclusion (10-15 minutes)
--Questions – Evaluation Forms – Attendance Sheet (20 minutes)

Evaluation Forms

Valuable learning tool to analyze content and leadership style
Must be able to deal with criticism in a constructive way

Structured Exercises

Build a file
Make a file of any parenting articles, cartoons or pamphlets you find

Real Nuts & Bolts

-Tool Box: Name tags, pencils, markers, thumb tacks, etc.

-Flip Chart: Outline or Agenda

-List of Workshop Rules: Reassurance that everyone knows them

-Welcome “Icebreakers”: Choose appropriately

-Handouts: Organized and Prepared Ahead

-Start on Time: Feel valued

-Be Flexible: Physical condition of room, Noise from outside, Temperature, Etc.

-Thank You: Acknowledge the importance of their time and hope the information was useful to them.

Transform Your Staff Meetings with Edtech - The Tech Edvocate

Fantastic Staff Meeting Rules

Great Meetings: Are You a Facilitator?

Great Meetings

Instant Meetings: Colorful Agendas Capture Attention

Doodle: easy scheduling

5 MORE Ideas to Switch Up Staff Meetings
4 O'Clock Faculty

27 Ways to Spice Up a Faculty Meeting - The Edvocate

Presentation Tools page


How to Produce an Ignite Event


Icebreakers, Games, and Fun Group Activities

Icebreakers Links from Cybrary Man

Professional Development page

Teacher Notes

I feel it is a good idea to have your students hand in "exit slips" at the end of lessons.

I would also like to have teachers fill out exit slips after faculty meetings or professional development. 

Exit Slips page


I. Introductions: “Getting off to a good start”

- Choosing an approach to introductions that “fits” with the size/nature of your group
- Hearing your concerns

- Reflecting. How did it go and what did you observe?

- Some style characteristics for effective parent group leadership

II. Structured Exercises: “Fostering interactive learning for key ideas”

- How do you decide what keys ideas to use?

- What is a structured exercise and why is it an effective tool for helping parents?

- Creating a structured exercise

- Let’s try a few!

- Reflecting. How did it go and what did you observe?

III. Conclusion

- Tying it all together

- Wrap-up and handouts

Structured Exercises

Developing Exercises: 2 Key Components

1. How will I process the exercise with the group to promote learning?

2. What will I ask the participants to do?

Types of Structured Exercises

LISTS: Gives parents a chance to step back and think about why this issue is occurring.

Vignettes: A brief situation or dialogue between a parent and child that illuminates a particular issue or struggle.

Reflecting: This can be a powerful exercise to encourage parents to remember a specific time in their own upbringing that can be related to their current difficulties.

Questionnaires: One kind is true/false that can be used to jump-start a discussion.

Cartoons: This can highlight a key idea or pokes fun at a familiar situation and can be a perfect jump-start to discussion.

Cases: A more elaborate vignette to describe a situation or problem in the context of family life. Followed by questions to brainstorm.

Difficult Moments
Angry Outbursts
Tears of Grief or Frustration

Possible Solutions

Universalize Situation
Neutralize Situation
Provide Information
Ask for More Information
Postpone Discussion
Talk Privately
Provide Concrete Help
Give a Direct Response
Share Feelings and Concerns
Make Humor of it
Set a Limit
Involve the Group in What to Do
Reflect Back the Feelings
Respond Nonverbally

Slide Shows page

Collaboration page

Pecha Kucha page

Prezi page

PowerPoint page