Teacher Notes
I started my educational
writing career when I wrote a curriculum about the neighborhood where I worked.
I wanted my students to learn all about the history, growth and
development of the area where they lived.
Writing Career
Making Books
Pop-up Books
Bookemon: Design & Make A Book
With Our Simple Free Guide
Character Scrapbook
Create your own printable magazines and eBooks
Making Books with Children | Free Activities
One of Mixbooks
Comics, Cartoons,
Animation page
Making Textbooks
Creating Your Own Textbooks -
Digital Textbooks page
Dr. Seuss Page
Resources Page

Herman Parish the author of Amelia Bedilia
Educational activity booklets I wrote for Culver Company.

Not only did Cybrary Man teach for 32 years but he
also wrote educational materials for the utility industry. One of
his over 35 booklets written by Cybrary
Man was The Safest You Can Be for
Culver Company
Cybrary Man can come into your classroom (or via Skype
or Google Hangout and Mixbook)
and show your students how he wrote one of his educational activity
booklets. The only charge is thank you letters or creative
tech response from the students.
REACH Rocketeers: Career Talk: Chatting with CybraryMan!
Mrs. Carroll's Classroom Blog: Back to the Basics of Writing
Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Learning From Cybraryman
Mr. C's Class Blog: Skype With Jerry Blumengarten
Mr Jerry - YouTube
What we learned from our Author Skype
Video from
@craigyen Class
Yesterday we skyped
@cybraryman1. we learnt a lot. he is an author, and he used to
inspire kids with comic books and super heros. We skyped
@cybraryman1 His message to us was to express ourselves
creatively and that its good to be different.
The Energy Kids Mixbook
Cybrary Man's Writing Career Cybrary Man has done his writing presentation in
Australia, Canada, Honduras and the
following states either in person or via Skype: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin
Author and Illustrator Links
Virtual Author
Visits in Your Library or Classroom - Skype An Author Network a.k.a. :
author pseudonyms, aliases, nicknames, ...
(Main) Authors

Cybrary Man getting great response from students during his writing
SparkNotes Study Guides BookRags - Book Summaries,
Teenreads.com --
Author Listing
& Illustrator Personal Sites