A Smackdown or Show and Tell is a sharing of
websites, tools or teaching tricks that you have found to be great to use. You
are given 2 minutes to present the tool to the group.
I strongly urge anyone planning an edcamp or TeachMeet to have this
session during the lunch period. Of course, you have to get
someone to sponsor the lunch. Or have a Smackdown for the
entire group attending.
In this way everyone attending has the opportunity to see these
wonderful tools and sites. I feel this will definitely get
those teachers who are reluctant to use technology to see great
tools they could use that they never knew were available.
Another suggestion is to have someone sit at the main computer.
The next presenter hands this person a card with website to be presented
on it before they get up to present. This saves time.
Presenter can then take over computer and site will be up on screen.